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The opening ceremony of the 2023 Mekong Delta Don Ca Tai Tu Nam Bo Festival opened at the Memorial House of the art of Don Ca Tai Tu Nam Bo and late composer Cao Van Lau in Bac Lieu City in the Mekong Delta province of the same name on December 14....

22/12/2023 -
Source : tcgd theo SGGP

The suit collection of fashion house Mon Amie was presented with the participation of many familiar model faces such as: Supermodel Le Quang Hoa, Nam Phong, singer Kyo York, Hoang Phi Kha... Especially, actors Doan Minh Tai was chosen for the vedette position with supermodel and runner-up Nam Phong......

17/09/2023 -
Source : VN,vn

10 years ago, Tuy Phuoc district People's Committee proposed to build a temple to worship the cultural celebrity Dao Tan and now the proposal comes true at Vinh Thanh village, hometown of the famous Tuong (Vietnamese classical drama) writer....

16/09/2016 -
Source : tcgd - BBD

An exhibition featuring woodblocks and official administrative papers of the Nguyen Kings has opened in Hanoi. The exhibition is part of activities to honor Vietnam’s documentary heritage and the Nguyen dynasty’s contributions to the historical records....

03/01/2016 -
Source : tcgd theo VOV

Traditional theaters play an important role in Vietnamese culture. Despite the rapid development of contemporary art genres and the entertainment industry in Vietnam, traditional theaters continue to inspire both Vietnamese and foreign audience....

02/01/2016 -
Source : -/-

Vietnamese acrobats have staged a circus drama called “My Village” more than 300 times in several countries and received much acclaim. The performance embraces the Vietnamese culture and Vietnamese people’s soul....

17/12/2015 -
Source : tcgd theo VOV

The “Lottery Win” film directed by Vietnamese-American Dustin Nguyen has been selected for the qualifying round of the Best Foreign-Language Film award at the Oscars 2016, announced the Vietnam Cinema Department under the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism on September 29....

03/10/2015 -
Source : VNN

The city of Tay Ninh lies in the heart of Tay Ninh Province, almost an even 100 kilometers from Ho Chi Minh City....

23/06/2015 -
Source : TNOd theo TNO

Alexander M. Cannon, a young American music professor, has been researching about don ca tai tu (a traditional southern Vietnamese music genre) in HCM City....

03/06/2015 -
Source : tcgd theo TNO

Restoring Cua Dinh folk singing Cua Dinh folk singing is a genre of ceremonial singing which is the original form of Ca Tru folk singing....

02/06/2015 -
Source : tcgd theo VNN

Alexander M. Cannon, a young American music professor, has been researching about don ca tai tu (a traditional southern Vietnamese music genre) in HCM City....

03/05/2015 -
Source : tcgd theo TNN

Everybody has some good and bad memories to cherish or to leave behind. There are certain memories that make us laugh, and other memories that make us cry. While this soundtrack is playing many of my old memories come flooding back....

03/04/2015 - MinhCanhLeThuyAlways
Source : TV cailuongvietnam.com

The 13th Vietnam Poetry Day opened in Hanoi, Quang Ninh and Bac Ninh northern provinces from March 2-7....

03/03/2015 -
Source : SGGP
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