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Pham Thi Vinh had no idea why her Facebook account was locked out all of a sudden last month, but has a hunch on some of the recent photos she uploaded on the world’s largest social network....

15/03/2015 -
Source : TTN

Tropical almond trees in the coastal resort town Nha Trang are changing their leaves this season, adding stunning red dashes to the blue picture....

06/03/2015 -
Source : tcgd theo TNN

Leonard Nimoy, the actor behind one of pop culture’s most famous and distinctive fictional characters, the half-human, half-alien Mr. Spock in the “Star Trek” television series and films, has died. He was 83....

02/03/2015 -
Source : TN NEWS

After learning that the Hoa Binh Theater is going to have a liveshow for NSUT Ut Bach Lan , I decided to pay her a visit. Her small house on Tran Hung Dao Street looks the same – still the lonely hammock where she usually sits to study her lines and the Buddha altar with incense burning. Ms. Ut is......

01/03/2015 -
Source : BSK
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