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The opening ceremony of the 2023 Mekong Delta Don Ca Tai Tu Nam Bo Festival opened at the Memorial House of the art of Don Ca Tai Tu Nam Bo and late composer Cao Van Lau in Bac Lieu City in the Mekong Delta province of the same name on December 14....

22/12/2023 -
Source : tcgd theo SGGP

The dossiers for Cheo (Vietnamese traditional opera) art of the Red River Delta and Binh Dinh Traditional Martial Arts will be compiled to seek UNESCO recognition as cultural heritage of the world....

31/10/2021 -
Source : tcgd theo VOVSGGP

Jordan Vogt-Roberts, director of the film Kong: Skull Island, has been asked to serve as an honorary tourism ambassador of Vietnam by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism....

17/03/2017 -
Source : CAND

Artists exist along with the plays. It is certain that they live on forever with their creativity in every film, in each role and song … But one day, that person has gone. That figure has stopped making a shadow. Though thousands of works leave his good name, the loss and disappointment was so......

29/11/2016 -
Source : -/-

10 years ago, Tuy Phuoc district People's Committee proposed to build a temple to worship the cultural celebrity Dao Tan and now the proposal comes true at Vinh Thanh village, hometown of the famous Tuong (Vietnamese classical drama) writer....

16/09/2016 -
Source : tcgd - BBD

Two regulations applied in the performance industry, issued in March, have made insiders frustrated....

18/05/2016 -
Source : TTO

Cai luong (a form of modern folk opera in Vietnam) writer Nguyen Thanh Hai has been unable to contain his excitement since January when Tien Giang Theater officially reopened in My Tho Town in the southern province of Tien Giang....

15/04/2016 -
Source : tcgd theo TNN

The evening has set, and Tran Huu Phuoc sits in front of his house to sing bai choi, a traditional music genre, after a hard day's work....

13/01/2016 -
Source : -/-

In a booming information age with many media formats dominated by television and online newspapers, radio still draws many people. VOV has become the close friend of many listeners around the world. Today, we’ll examine some listeners’ opinions on the occasion of VOV’s 70th anniversary....

17/12/2015 -
Source : -/-

The second Don Ca Tai Tu Festival was opened at Light Music Center in HCM City ( Saigon)) on July 11....

30/07/2015 -
Source : SGGP

A concert featuring Vietnamese and American artists will be held on June 21 to mark the 20th year of the normalisation of diplomatic ties between Vietnam and the United States, according to the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism....

23/06/2015 -
Source : NDO/VNA/ND

The national professional song and dance competition 2015 (first phase) opened in Thai Nguyen city on May 21, attracting the participation of more than 1,000 artists from 17 art troupes from northern provinces (Quang Binh northward)....

25/05/2015 -
Source : tcgd theo NDO

The 91 year – old professor, the last person in his generation of original ”don ca tai tu” (a kind of southern traditional music player) just got the letter from the Embassy of France in VietNam informing he has been appointed Officier des Arts et Lettres by the Minister of Culture and......

12/05/2015 -
Source : cailuongvietnam.com

The sixth Vietnam folk song festival 2015 for the southern region opened at Dong Thap province on May 6....

12/05/2015 -
Source : tcgd theo TNN

“Đờn ca tài tử “is a fading genre of folk music which developed and spread mainly in the south of Vietnam during the last century....

20/03/2015 -
Source : tcgd theo SGGP
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