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More and more Vietnamese people choose to study in France thanks to internationalized education and open job opportunities. What do you need to know about enrollment and scholarship application timelines, according to experts?...

01/10/2023 -
Source : -/-

Artists exist along with the plays. It is certain that they live on forever with their creativity in every film, in each role and song … But one day, that person has gone. That figure has stopped making a shadow. Though thousands of works leave his good name, the loss and disappointment was so......

29/11/2016 -
Source : -/-

Thirty-four people were killed in attacks on Brussels airport and a rush-hour metro train in the Belgian capital on Tuesday, according to public broadcaster VRT, triggering security alerts across Europe and bringing some cross-border traffic to a halt....

22/03/2016 -
Source : tcgd theo TNN

Citizens of 38 countries, including many in Europe, will face new restrictions on travel to the United States under changes to the "visa waiver" program tucked into a massive spending bill unveiled in the U.S. Congress on Wednesday....

17/12/2015 -
Source : -/-

The traditional music was always a poor relation compared to auters occidentalized musics. Before April 1975, with the National Academy of the music with Saigon, the classes of traditional instruments and arts traditional did not attract large world. The professors of traditional music had the......

15/10/2015 -
Source : tcgd posted

Starring in music videos at the age of 100, Eileen Kramer is probably the oldest working dancer and choreographer in Australia, if not the world -- and the centenarian revels in her age....

12/05/2015 -
Source : tcgd theo TNN

A Vietnamese Cirque du Soleil-esque show will begin its three-year tour around some European countries this summer, aiming to introduce the country's circus arts to a larger audience....

18/04/2015 -
Source : tcgd theo TNN

Tran Quang Hai is a talented musical scholar, who lives in France and has given more than 3,000 concerts in 65 countries worldwide. Together with his father, renowned Professor Dr Tran Van Khe, and his wife, famous singer Bach Yen, he has been contributing to the research, promotion and honouring of......

01/03/2015 -
Source : tcgd theo VOV
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