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The HCMC’s annual Tet Viet (Vietnamese New Year) Festival 2024 themed “HCMC, the city I love” featuran class="keyword">inan>g images of a peaceful spran class="keyword">inan>g an class="keyword">inan> the southern metropolis will return to young people on January 24....

19/01/2024 -
Source : tcgd theo NLD

A song lang is a musical an class="keyword">inan>strument, a little percussion used an class="keyword">inan> Vietnamese traditional music to keep the tempo for the musicians and the performers and – as the protagonist’s father believed – to “guide the artists down the moral path”....

26/02/2019 -
Source : AMP

Teams from Chan class="keyword">inan>a, Thailand, Malaysia, San class="keyword">inan>gapore and Vietnam will compete an class="keyword">inan> the an class="keyword">Inan>ternational Kylan class="keyword">inan> and Lion Dance competition at Da Nang’s Helio entertaan class="keyword">inan>ment centre on September 14-16....

14/09/2018 -
Source : TCGD - SGGP

A monument management centre an class="keyword">inan> the central provan class="keyword">inan>ce of Ha Tan class="keyword">inan>h has announced the discovery of an old pottery disk that depicts the Kieu sisters, the characters an class="keyword">inan> the famed Tale of Kieu poem epic....

03/09/2018 -
Source : tcgd theo SGGP

More than 500 movies from 49 countries and territories worldwide will participate an class="keyword">inan> the 5th Hanoi an class="keyword">Inan>ternational Film Festival (HANIFF) 2018 that is scheduled to take place from October 27-31....

29/08/2018 -
Source : tcgd theo SGGP

Cai luong veteran actress Hong Nga will celebrate her 73rd birthday with a special performance which will be held at Hung Dao Theater an class="keyword">inan> Ho Chi Man class="keyword">inan>h City on August 12....

13/08/2018 -
Source : tcgd theo SGGP

Two regulations applied an class="keyword">inan> the performance an class="keyword">inan>dustry, issued an class="keyword">inan> March, have made an class="keyword">inan>siders frustrated....

18/05/2016 -
Source : TTO

an class="keyword">Inan> his U.S. jail cell, Man class="keyword">inan>h Beo can feel reassured that his problems with the law has not made artists an class="keyword">inan> his namesake theater back home turn their back on him....

04/04/2016 -
Source : Source: Tuoi Tre News

Thirty-four people were killed an class="keyword">inan> attacks on Brussels airport and a rush-hour metro traan class="keyword">inan> an class="keyword">inan> the Belgian capital on Tuesday, accordan class="keyword">inan>g to public broadcaster VRT, triggeran class="keyword">inan>g security alerts across Europe and bran class="keyword">inan>gan class="keyword">inan>g some cross-border traffic to a halt....

22/03/2016 -
Source : tcgd theo TNN

The representative of Vietnam at the Miss Universe 2015 pageant has recently opened up to Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper about her feelan class="keyword">inan>g and other contestants’ reaction when host Steve Harvey announced the wrong wan class="keyword">inan>ner....

03/01/2016 -
Source : -/-

The Thang Long Royal Citadel was recognized as a World Cultural Heritage Site by UNESCO five years ago. Many archaeological research activities have been carried out to evaluate, preserve, and promote this heritage....

17/12/2015 -
Source : tcgd theo VOV

“… The Ca Mau mat had been dyed with a very vibrant color. It took me a lot of labors, through raan class="keyword">inan> and shan class="keyword">inan>e, to fan class="keyword">inan>ish. I am not goan class="keyword">inan>g to sell it to anyone. If I cannot fan class="keyword">inan>d you to offer it as a gift, I will use it to rest my head on every night...” Excerpt from the song “Tình anh bán chiếu”......

15/10/2015 -
Source : tcgd posted

A local man has discovered a new cave an class="keyword">inan>side Phong Nha, the world natural heritage site an class="keyword">inan> Quang Ban class="keyword">inan>h provan class="keyword">inan>ce, accordan class="keyword">inan>g to the Management Board of Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park....

03/10/2015 -
Source : VNN

The dramatic life and death of Thanh Nga, a hugely popular cai luong (reformed theatre) artist, has been immortalised an class="keyword">inan> a new picture book that carries almost 100 monochrome photographs of the legend....

18/08/2015 -
Source : VNS

At "Thien Nhai Tu" temple, a young sadi with the name Tran Tu Tam (Nghe Si Man class="keyword">inan>h Canh) led a peaceful, carefree life of a monk. One cloudy day, a girl called Nhuoc Thuy (Nghe Si Phuong Lien?) came out of nowhere and gave him a letter which told of a horrendous murder that took place 20 years ago......

30/07/2015 -
Source : -/-

Actor Omar Sharif, best known for his portrayal of Doctor Zhivago an class="keyword">inan> the hit 1966 film and for his work an class="keyword">inan> "Lawrence of Arabia", died of a heart attack on Friday, his agent said. He was 83....

15/07/2015 -
Source : tcgd theo TNN

Professor Tran Van Khe, the grand old master of Vietnamese traditional music passed away on June 24 an class="keyword">inan> Gia Dan class="keyword">inan>h Hospital an class="keyword">inan> Ho Chi Man class="keyword">inan>h City at the ripe old age of 94....

24/06/2015 -
Source : tcgd theo SGGP

The city of Tay Nan class="keyword">inan>h lies an class="keyword">inan> the heart of Tay Nan class="keyword">inan>h Provan class="keyword">inan>ce, almost an even 100 kilometers from Ho Chi Man class="keyword">inan>h City....

23/06/2015 -
Source : TNOd theo TNO

At the age of twenty Duong looked fairly handsome, with a fresh complexion and gentle manners....

23/06/2015 -
Source : -/-

A dance performance based on the epic Vietnamese love story between My Chau and Trong Thuy will debut on June 2 at the municipal Opera House an class="keyword">inan> Ho Chi Man class="keyword">inan>h City, featuran class="keyword">inan>g dancers from Vietnam and the Republic of Korea (RoK)....

30/05/2015 -
Source : posted by tcgd
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