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The suit collection of fashion house Mon Amie was presented with the participation of many familiar model faces such as: Supermodel Le Quang Hoa, Nam Phong, singer Kyo York, Hoang Phi Kha... Especially, actors Doan Minh Tai was chosen for the vedette position with supermodel and runner-up Nam Phong......

17/09/2023 -
Source : VN,vn

In a booming information age with many media formats dominated by television and online newspapers, radio still draws many people. VOV has become the close friend of many listeners around the world. Today, we’ll examine some listeners’ opinions on the occasion of VOV’s 70th anniversary....

17/12/2015 -
Source : -/-

The dramatic life and death of Thanh Nga, a hugely popular cai luong (reformed theatre) artist, has been immortalised in a new picture book that carries almost 100 monochrome photographs of the legend....

18/08/2015 -
Source : VNS

Restoring Cua Dinh folk singing Cua Dinh folk singing is a genre of ceremonial singing which is the original form of Ca Tru folk singing....

02/06/2015 -
Source : tcgd theo VNN

Blues legend B.B. King, who took his music from rural juke joints to the mainstream and inspired a generation of guitarists from Eric Clapton to Stevie Ray Vaughan, has died in Las Vegas. He was 89....

17/05/2015 -
Source : tcgd theo TNN

Music professor Tran Quang Hai has returned to Viet Nam to attend the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) and to hand over his entire collection of research on traditional Vietnamese music to the Viet Nam Institute for Musicology. He talks with Do Minh....

12/05/2015 -
Source : tcgd theo tranquanghai.info
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