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The opening ceremony of the 2023 Mekong Delta Don Ca Tai Tu Nam Bo Festival opened at the Memorial House of the art of Don Ca Tai Tu Nam Bo and late composer Cao Van Lau in Bac Lieu City in the Mekong Delta province of the same name on December 14....

22/12/2023 -
Source : tcgd theo SGGP

The Cao Van Lau theater in Bac Lieu province has attracted a large audience to Cai Luong (reformed opera) performances during the Cai Luong competition 2015. For many people in Bac Lieu, this is the first time they watched northern artists performing Cai Luong. The performances created a chance......

17/12/2015 -
Source : tcgd theo VOV

The very first historical and cultural memorial erected to late musician Cao Van Lau has been opened for public view in the Mekong province of Bac Lieu on September 30. Father of modern cai luong finds...

03/06/2015 -
Source : tcgd theo SGGP

In the cai luong arts in the South, there are many fine names associated with the talented artists such as: King of cai luong singing Ut Tra On, King of funny cai luong singing Van Huong, King of xang xe tune Minh Chi, Emperor of plastic disk Tan Tai, Queen of sadness Ut Bach Lan, Queen of stage......

17/05/2015 -
Source : Source: RFI - cailuongvietnam.com

The very first historical and cultural memorial erected to late musician Cao Van Lau has been opened for public view in the Mekong province of Bac Lieu on September 30....

03/05/2015 -
Source : tcgd theo SGGP

Actress Bich Hanh spent all her childhood with her parents at the Kim Chung troupe where she grew up and became a well-known actress. It seems she got every chance to be successful in her artistic career as her parents were working for a long time for the Kim Chung troupe, starting in the North and......

17/03/2015 -
Source : tcgd posted
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