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A song lang is a musical instrument, a little percussion used in Vietnamese traditional music to keep the tempo for the musicians and the performers and – as the protagonist’s father believed – to “guide the artists down the moral path”....

26/02/2019 -
Source : AMP

King Tran Nhan Tong was honored as King-Monk when he ceded his throne to lead a religious life and became the founder of Vietnamese Zen Buddhism. A Cai Luong or reformed theatre play dedicated to King-Monk Tran Nhan Tong is expected to debut in December this year to commemorate the 707th anniversary......

17/12/2015 -
Source : tcgd theo VOV

The mansion of Hua Bon Hoa, a tycoon in Saigon in the early 20th century, has up to 99 doors. It is considered a unique architectural work, representing an exchange of culture between the East and West....

03/10/2015 -
Source : VNNd theo VNN

A trial in the US on Tuesday sentenced a Vietnamese to 13 years in jail for hacking into US firms’ computers to steal personal information of nearly 200 million US citizens for sale....

15/07/2015 -
Source : TNN

Alexander M. Cannon, a young American music professor, has been researching about don ca tai tu (a traditional southern Vietnamese music genre) in HCM City....

03/06/2015 -
Source : tcgd theo TNO

Alexander M. Cannon, a young American music professor, has been researching about don ca tai tu (a traditional southern Vietnamese music genre) in HCM City....

03/05/2015 -
Source : tcgd theo TNN

Vọng cổ is a song, or more appropriately a cycle or pattern, performed in cải lương opera (renovated theater). Although created in the twentieth century, it is most similar to and has its roots in nhạc tài tử chamber music of south Việt Nam. As the central foundation to cải lương opera, it provides......

07/04/2015 -
Source : tcgd theo Viet Music

Modern vọng cổ is made up of six phrases of thirty-two measures. A noticeable cadence ends each sub-phrase of four measures. At this cadence, all instruments (and the vocalist) come back together, usually hitting the same note. At eight measures before the end of a phrase, the song loan is tapped......

24/03/2015 -
Source : tcgd theo VNW
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