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More than 21,000 tourists flocked to the Huong Son landscape complex on February 12 (on the third day of the first month of the lunar calendar)....

19/02/2024 -
Source : tcgd theo SGGP

One more Vietnamese singer appears in Times Square in New York and he is the first Vietnamese male singer featured in the heart of New York City’s Times Square, a well-known landmark in the United States....

30/01/2024 -
Source : SGGPO

The third Ca Mau Southern Folk Cake Festival 2023 themed “The Southern Flavor” opened in the Mekong Delta province of Ca Mau on April 26....

27/04/2023 -
Source : SGGP

A local bank has agreed to sponsor two concerts in Hanoi next month by Boney M, Scorpions and Chris Norman, a source told Thanh Nien without providing details....

23/07/2022 -
Source : tcgd theo TNN

A cai luong play adapted by Nguyen Phuong from the work titled “Eclipse” by scriptwriter Le Duy Hanh will premiere at Cong Nhan theater in HCMC’s district 1 on May 4....

30/04/2019 -
Source : tcgd theo SGGP

The world’s largest Buddha statue, made of jade, has been brought to Vietnam....

22/03/2016 -
Source : -/-

A 70 year old man who is the oldest candidate for the high school graduation examination in the academic year 2014-2015 passed the examination....

29/07/2015 -
Source : SGGP

The evolution of western pop music, spanning from 1960 to 2010, has been analysed by scientists....

02/06/2015 -
Source : tcgd theo VNN

Music professor Tran Quang Hai has returned to Viet Nam to attend the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) and to hand over his entire collection of research on traditional Vietnamese music to the Viet Nam Institute for Musicology. He talks with Do Minh....

12/05/2015 -
Source : tcgd theo tranquanghai.info

rieu Trung Kien was born and grew up in an artistic traditional family. His mother is a cai luong artist of the Vietnam National Cai luong Theatre. His father is a director. When he was a child, he desired to become an artist. He started to perform on stage at the age of 7....

03/05/2015 -
Source : -/-

The 13th Vietnam Poetry Day opened in Hanoi, Quang Ninh and Bac Ninh northern provinces from March 2-7....

03/03/2015 -
Source : SGGP

Not long after people began to turn up at a festival in Hanoi last week to commemorate Saint Giong, a symbol of bravery in Vietnamese history, full-blown mayhem broke out....

02/03/2015 -
Source : TNN
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