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A high school student in Ho Chi Minh City has been admitted to 16 universities in the U.S., including a full scholarship offer from the University of Connecticut worth nearly US$258,000....

12/03/2024 -
Source : -/-

More than 21,000 tourists flocked to the Huong Son landscape complex on February 12 (on the third day of the first month of the lunar calendar)....

19/02/2024 -
Source : tcgd theo SGGP

The HCMC’s annual Book Street Festival 2024 during the Tet holidays will open on February 7 and run until February 14 (the 28th day of the last month – the 5th day of the first month of the lunar calendar....

10/01/2024 -
Source : tcgd theo SGGP

More and more Vietnamese people choose to study in France thanks to internationalized education and open job opportunities. What do you need to know about enrollment and scholarship application timelines, according to experts?...

01/10/2023 -
Source : -/-

It's 2009 and I'm running a workshop for a large group of unemployed jobseekers in Sydney, Australia....

13/08/2023 -
Source : Saigonneer

Thousands of tourists flocked to the Huong Son landscape complex on the opening day of the 2023 Huong Pagoda Festival on January 27, the sixth day of the Lunar New Year....

27/01/2023 -
Source : SSGP

A week of vegetarian food will take place at Dam Sen Cultural Park in HCM City from August 19-26....

22/08/2018 -
Source : tcgd theo SGGP

Director of Hollywood blockbuster ‘Kong: Skull Island’ Jordan Vogt-Roberts, who has been named Honorary Tourism Ambassador of Vietnam posted a number of beautiful photos of Son Doong Cave on his Instagram....

17/03/2017 -
Source : CAND

10 years ago, Tuy Phuoc district People's Committee proposed to build a temple to worship the cultural celebrity Dao Tan and now the proposal comes true at Vinh Thanh village, hometown of the famous Tuong (Vietnamese classical drama) writer....

16/09/2016 -
Source : tcgd - BBD

A festival featuring a variety of traditional dishes typical of southern Vietnam will open on Friday in Can Tho, the largest city in the Mekong Delta region....

14/04/2016 -
Source : tcgd theo TTN

The world’s largest Buddha statue, made of jade, has been brought to Vietnam....

22/03/2016 -
Source : -/-

Carmen, one of the most successful and controversial operas, will be performed at the Ho Chi Minh City Ballet and Symphony Orchestra (HBSO) this weekend with the alluring French singer Sophie Leleu playing the main female role....

22/03/2016 -
Source : tcgd theo TNN

Thirty-four people were killed in attacks on Brussels airport and a rush-hour metro train in the Belgian capital on Tuesday, according to public broadcaster VRT, triggering security alerts across Europe and bringing some cross-border traffic to a halt....

22/03/2016 -
Source : tcgd theo TNN

The representative of Vietnam at the Miss Universe 2015 pageant has recently opened up to Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper about her feeling and other contestants’ reaction when host Steve Harvey announced the wrong winner....

03/01/2016 -
Source : -/-

During the event, dozens of activities including a flower and ornamental tree exhibition, a flower space around Xuan Huong Lake, flower-themed calligraphy, paintings and photos displays, and a vegetable-flower fair took place across the city....

03/01/2016 -
Source : -/-

The Thang Long Royal Citadel was recognized as a World Cultural Heritage Site by UNESCO five years ago. Many archaeological research activities have been carried out to evaluate, preserve, and promote this heritage....

17/12/2015 -
Source : tcgd theo VOV

The traditional music was always a poor relation compared to auters occidentalized musics. Before April 1975, with the National Academy of the music with Saigon, the classes of traditional instruments and arts traditional did not attract large world. The professors of traditional music had the......

15/10/2015 -
Source : tcgd posted

The mansion of Hua Bon Hoa, a tycoon in Saigon in the early 20th century, has up to 99 doors. It is considered a unique architectural work, representing an exchange of culture between the East and West....

03/10/2015 -
Source : VNNd theo VNN

France continues to be the main partner of the Festival Hue 2016 which will take place in the ancient royal city of Hue, the central province of Thua Thien-Hue, from April 29-May 4, 2016....

23/09/2015 -
Source : -/-

Film-maker Nguyen Quang Tuyen's first film, Cau Vong Khong Sac (Rainbow Without Colour), will compete in the First Films World category at the Montreal Film Festival 2015....

29/07/2015 -
Source : -/-
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