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New Year’s celebrations around the world

Posted at: SATurday - 02/01/2016 23:49 - Viewed: 2297
New York

New York

Countries around the world jubilantly celebrate New Year’s Eve in different time zones, saying goodbye to 2015 and ringing in 2016.

In Brazil, thousands of people gathered on Copacabana beach in Rio to welcome the New Year. The South American country will host Olympic Games 2016 this summer.


In New York, more than one million people packed into New York City’s Times Square to see the famous crystal ball, officially named the Waterford Times Square New Year’s Eve Ball, drop at midnight. Security was tightened.


Hundreds of overseas Vietnamese flocked to Dong Xuan commercial centre in Berlin to join New Year art performances.


Despite cold weather, tens of thousands of Czech people converged on Wenceslas square in Prague to welcome the New Year.


Fireworks displays at Cathedral Square in Lithuania


Austrian people watched fireworks displays in front of the city hall in Vienna.


Scotland people contemplated fireworks displays to welcome New Year 2016


Fireworks displays in Sofia, Bulgaria


Fireworks sparkled in the sky of Athens, Greece


European people celebrated New Year with striking fireworks banquets


New Year in Moscow, Russia


In her New Year speech, Chancellor Angela Merkel sent sincere thanks to German people for supporting 1 million refugees.


Tahrir Square in Cairo


Chinese people took count-down parties and enjoyed fireworks displays on New Year’s Eve.


Lao people flocked to Vientiane streets to celebrate the New Year


Bright fireworks displays in Samoa, New Zealand and Australia


In Argentina


In South Africa




Source: VOV
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