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Red silk cotton trees in full bloom in Do Son

Posted at: WEDnesday - 18/05/2016 00:09 - Viewed: 2759
Red silk cotton trees in full bloom in Do Son

Red silk cotton trees in full bloom in Do Son

Red silk cotton tree flowers, also known as Bombax ceiba, in Do Son district started to bloom these days, turning the popular tourist destination into a giant red carpet.
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The silk cotton trees in Do Son are about 200 years old
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Bombax ceiba grows to an average of 20 meters, with old trees up to 60 meters in wet tropical weather.
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Red flowers with 5 petals appear in the spring before the new foliage. It produces a capsule which, when ripe, contains white fibres like cotton

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Walking along streets, tourists are amazed by the charming red cotton flowers.
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Their petals are arranged in the shape of a heart

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It makes Do Son more romantic and energetic than ever to attract a large number of people to the feast of colorful and fragrant blooms.
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