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Dustin Nguyen jump starts his career and a new life

Posted at: TUEsday - 30/06/2015 12:35 - Viewed: 2796
Dustin Nguyen jump starts his career and a new life

Dustin Nguyen jump starts his career and a new life

When you think of Dustin Nguyen, two things come to mind: 21 Jump Street and an epic love story. It's rare to find any article written about Nguyen that doesn't include one or the other. While it has been decades since his career debut as one of the most visible Vietnamese actors in the industry, Nguyen still remains part of the lexicon for those who grew up watching him. It's hard to believe the scrappy youngster who starred alongside Johnny Depp is now 52, living outside of America, with a new life he never could have imagined.


That new life, included a transcontinental move to Vietnam, a divorce, a new wife and 2 baby girls! Although it was not widely publicized, he and Angela Rockwood, his former spouse of 10 years, separated 2 years ago and quietly divorced. She was involved in a tragic accident just before they were slated to be married, leaving her paralyzed. He famously stayed by her side and left Hollywood to take care of her.


Dustin Nguyen and his new wife Bebe Pham on their wedding day. (Photo: THÁI NHÀN)


Though many people rooted for them, things fell apart and Nguyen found himself in Vietnam, starting his life over and pursuing new projects. Those new projects led to his new life, meeting his future wife Bebe Pham on the set of his movie Zero Tolerance. Two baby girls later, he is happy as can be and is excited to see what is in store for him next.


Nguyen's ex-wife, Angela Rockwood (center), went on to produce the documentary “Push Girls”, to raise awareness for those living with paralysis. (Photo by Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images)


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Source: NV
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