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Vietnam wins six medals at Int’l Circus Festival

Chủ nhật - 25/11/2012 06:40

Vietnamese artists won one gold and five silver medals at the 4th International Circus Festival in Hanoi on November 21.

Eleven outstanding item performances had been selected for the final round out of 33 performed during the festival this year. 

Vietnam won a gold medal for the performance ‘Central Highland Festival’ by the Vietnam Circus Arts and Vaudeville Secondary School.

Three other gold medals were given to acrobatic performances by the US artists, the hand standing act of Mongolia and the foot juggling performance of Russia.

The hand standing performance of Mongolia won a gold medal

Vietnam also walked away with five out of six silver medals. There was no bronze medal this year.

The organizers also gave some auxiliary prizes for excellent performances, sponsored by the Vietnam Circus Federation and the Vietnam Stage Artists Association.

People’s Artist Vu Hop, head of the jury board, said that the 4th International Circus Festival was attended by many artists and circuses. All items included were of outstanding quality, especially those from the Asian region.

By Mai An – Translated by Hai Mien

Tác giả bài viết: tancogiaoduyen

Nguồn tin: SGGP

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