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In Memory of Singer Nhật Sơn

Vũ Minh Sơn (August 29, 1981 – September 14, 2013) was a Vietnamese singer. He was also the son of singers Minh Cảnh and Kiều My.[ By the age of six he started performing and singing traditional Vietnamese Cải lương music and Vietnamese pop songs under the stage name Cảnh Sơn....
19/08/2023 - | Source : tcgd theo Wikipedia

Gia Bao revealed the reason behind Minh Canh’s invitation to participate in Vietnamese talent promotion

Gia Bao said artist Minh Canh will be in Vietnam at the end of June to prepare for the July 15 concert at Ben Thanh Theater in Ho Chi Minh City....
17/07/2023 - | Source :

Why do you ADORE MINH CANH? What does MUSIC MEAN to you?

What does music mean to you? Why do you ADMIRE/LIKe Bac MINH CANH? Why do you appreciate renovated opera (cai luong)? Let's share.......
08/11/2015 - MinhCanhLeThuyAlways | Source :

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