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In Memory of Singer Nhật Sơn

Vũ Minh Sơn (August 29, 1981 – September 14, 2013) was a Vietnamese singer. He was also the son of singers Minh Cảnh and Kiều My.[ By the age of six he started performing and singing traditional Vietnamese Cải lương music and Vietnamese pop songs under the stage name Cảnh Sơn....
19/08/2023 - | Source : tcgd theo Wikipedia

Actress Bich Hanh’s biography and memories

Actress Bich Hanh spent all her childhood with her parents at the Kim Chung troupe where she grew up and became a well-known actress. It seems she got every chance to be successful in her artistic career as her parents were working for a long time for the Kim Chung troupe, starting in the North and......
17/03/2015 - | Source : tcgd posted

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